Friday, April 30, 2010

Put it on Facebook!

Yes... this is what I was told when I took this picture this week..."put it on Facebook"!

Four Blue Eggs!

On Wednesday we checked our nest and there were four small blue American Robin eggs in the nest. We did our research and found out that robins usually lay their eggs mid-morning. We checked the nest at 8:45 (3 eggs)...11:05 (she wouldn't get off the nest!) and 3:00 (4 eggs!).They usually only lay about 4 we checked the next day and no more eggs. So we think she is ready to start sitting. Unfortunately we keep the playground pretty busy so she comes and goes to her nest. We are not sure she picked the best spot for her nest? :-) We will mark our calendar and watch to see when (and if? :-( ) they hatch. We will keep you updated!

We LOVE Dirt!

We had a great time making "dirt pudding" in class this week for snack. It was delicious! First we opened the pudding...then we crushed the cookies...added "dirt"...the worm and then ate it! It was fun. Thank you Kyra for the special snack!

Dirt really is good...just ask the kids about our worms and how they make dirt good (castings!).

Planting Day!

We planted seeds in our classroom as part of our science program...we will watch to see which seeds germinate the fastest. We are talking about the life cycle of plants and what plants need to grow. We are also doing an experiment in our window to see the germination of a seed (bean and pumpkin). It is fun! We like to grow things...hopefully we will get some healthy plants to share with our families! We planted vegetables, fruits, flowers and herbs. Ask your child which flower they planted (Zinnia, Sunflower or Marigold)?

Monday, April 26, 2010

Happy Everything!

We have had birthdays...births and weddings in the families of our students...congratulations to all! It is very exciting! :-)

Happy Earth Day!

Every day is exciting in kindergarten which is why I love it! We had a great day celebrating earth day in our classroom. We have been practicing our "green ways" since our school went green a few months ago. Yes we are excited to say that we have gone from 13 bags of garbage at lunch to 2! Yes 2! The composting has worked perfectly alongside our worm study. We have red worms (composters) and a few earth worms in our worm vue. We enjoyed studying them, performing experiments and making a worm story book. We of course covered the three R's...reducing (which we do!) reusing (which we do a lot in class!)and recycling (which we do!). Our class is very green conscious. We have two recycling bins and have even been saving our snack to compost.

We took a walk and collected garbage along a tree line and in the field. We found a lot of materials that were litter but that also could have been used by our robin in her nest. It was interesting to see that some types of litter could be used as nesting material for birds. When we got back to class we sorted the garbage into true garbage, recyclable materials and nesting material...take a look!
We have been talking a lot about saving our trees and made happy Earth Day cards on reused paper from our recycle bin. They get it...trees help us breathe and ultimately help us live...

We also planted some plants and will learn about plants and their life cycle over the next few weeks. So much to do!

Robin, robin in your nest...

Robin,robin in your nest...

where you've built it best?

The kindergarten kids have been watching a robin building her nest in one of the towers of the kindergarten playground. It has been fun to watch her...we saw her try to use a piece of plastic. She decided better of it though and took it back out...promptly dropping it on the playground where she found it!

This act of nature has caused us to think about predators, places to build a nest, nest making materials(we put some yarn on the playground and are anxious to see after the season if she used it! We have been taking digital pictures since day one and will be writing a book about building a nest and the life cycle of the robin. I fear we may learn about survival of the fittest. Our best lesson has been about the Life cycle in regards to our earth worms, robins, chicks, monarch caterpillars and also soon plant life cycles...yes it is dandelion season. I got my first one last week!