Sunday, January 24, 2010

Happy Holidays!

We had a small holiday celebration in our class with hot chocolate (all snuggled in our blankets!), opening gifts and watching a movie (Annabelle's Wish) about generosity. The class gift from Mrs. Volbrecht, Mrs. Phelps and I was a new set of checkers made from real wood and a hand sewn cloth checker board... also pencils, candy canes, and a few books. Our class LOVES checkers and books!

We also made a class book with all the children in it. Everybody loves to read a book...especially when YOU are in it! It is an easy read since the children recognize each others names and faces! We hope they enjoy it.

The Lansing Lions were very generous and gifted all the kindergarten children in Lansing hat and glove sets all wrapped and beautiful! It was so kind of them. We live in a wonderful place!

For a treat we had "monkey bread". The kids all loved pulling it apart and eating it. Of course...with a little help from my very own Vanna White...we graphed who liked it and who didn't!

It was a fun day...which ended with a school wide sing along at the middle school!

I hope you all had a nice holiday!

Seeking forgiveness!

Dear Families...This blog is to beg for forgiveness! I am so sorry that I have not had the time lately to update the blog...things got a little crazy around the holidays. I will do my best to catch you all up to speed... so look back on the blog pages. I will try to do it in order according to our lessons activites and special events over the past month or so!